Haere Mai,Welcome,To all family & friends in NZ & around the world and anyone reading my blog ! This is my first ever blog, which I started on Black Friday, 13th May 2005. My thoughts & prayers are with you all. Take care & God Bless. Arohanui ! Kakite !

Blog Archive

Saturday, March 11, 2006

# 630 - # 639

Kia Ora (Hello) Everyone, Thank you for all your emails, comments, etc etc - it is what makes the "blog world" go round. If at any time when you are out there "surfing", spare a thought for those whose blog you come across, which is in a language that you cannot understand - leave them a comment. Because they appreciate a comment or two, or three, just as much if not more than someone whose blog is in english, especially if it is the first their first ever "english" comment. Given time, with them "looking" at other english blogs, they will pick up on some of the english language and leave you a comment.

Point in question - I was just "surfing" the blog world, when this blog "popped" up !!! I had a look through this blog - I couldn't understand the language, but I certainly understood the photos. Looking at their "profile" they have 6 blogs. I'll have a look at the other blogs, when I get a chance. I left a couple of comments, including one under the post of 7th Fevereiro (February). See, I am learning already and they say you can't teach an old(er) dog new tricks.
They started their blog in May 05 but have only had 218 profile views, where as mine which I started around the same time has had 8345 - to date. They also have a counter on their main front page which shows 1470. I don't have a counter on the main page.

It is surprising what you can find & see, especially, when you aren't looking !!! (hehe)

Krazy Kelvin

# 930.

The 4500 athletes from the 71 Nations in the Commonwealth, every 4 years to compete in a variety of sports. As well as many Olympic sports, the Games also include sports popular in Commonwealth countries, such as lawn bowls; rugby sevens and netball.
NZ; Australia; Canada; England; Scotland and Wales have attended every Games, since the frist Game in 1930, which was attended by 400 athletes from 11 Nations.
Her Majesty, The Queen, will open the Games, which are been held in Melbourne, Australia on March 15th. The Games are due to finish on March 26th. New Zealands largest haul of Gold medals was 17 out of 58 medals, when the Games were held in Auckland in 1990. The Games were also held in auckland in 1950 and in Christchurch in 1974.

# 931. NZ Opera Singer To Sing.

NZ Opera singer, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa will sing about eight bars of "God Save The Queen", in a musical tribute to The Queen at the opening ceremony. But ceremony organizers deny the move is a compromise following mounting calls, backed by John Howard, the Australian Prime Minister, for the British National Anthem to be played, when The Queen opens the Games on February 15th. The Australian National Anthem, "Advance Australia Fair", will still take pride of place at the opening ceremory.

# 932. NZ'ers To Tackle The Nile - Again !!!

Two New Zealander's are resuming their journey to the source of the Nile, only months after aborting the trip, because a friend helping them was murdered. Veteran rafting guide, Cam McLeay and Wellington businessman, Garth MacIntyre will again join Scots millionaire, Neil McGrigor but plan to take armed guards with them this time. The team had to temporaily abandon their dream of charting the legendary river from sea to source after a friend who helped them during difficulties on the river was killed in an ambush by Ugandan rebels. Steve Willis, a former British diplomat, was shot dead at the scene in Murchinson Fallls, National Park, Uganda. Mr McGrigor, received a broken leg & burns; Mr MacIntyre received a bullet wound to the head and Mr McLeay spent 5 hours hiding in the bush, before been rescued by Government troops. Now - they are going back - again !!! All I can say is good luck to them, because they are going to need it !!!

# 933. Heart Watch !!!

A New Zealand man, is the first person in Australasia to receive a monitor which keeps track of his heart beat, via the internet. In the event of a heart attack, a small shock can be delivered to keep the heart beating. The heart-monitoring device, implanted into the man's shoulder, receives data through a lead connected to the hearts right atruim. The monitor automatically sends information to the mans cellphone. Using the cellular network, the home monitoring system works worldwide. The incoming infromation from the cellphone is sent via satellite to Germany, where the information is processed and a cardio report is generated. Using the internet, the mans doctor, can acess the results and evalute a course of therapy.

It doesn't say what happens when the cellphone battery is dead; when the satellite is off-line or when there is a power cut !!!

# 934. Small, Green & Hairless ???

No, it isn't what you are thinking - it's small, green, and looks like a grape - that is until you bite into it. Slice one open and you will find that the inside not only looks like a "kiwifruit", but it is a kiwifruit - a mini-me kiwifruit, or to give it another name - Kiwiberry !!! More than 30 tonnes of the fruit is been exporting to countries, including Germany; Great Britain; Australia; Japan and some other Asian countries. There are four varities of the Kiwiberry, which weigh from 5 to 20 grams each and have a smooth edible skin. They are best eaten when the fruit has darkened or softened, otherwise they can taste a little tart !!!

Footnote: Whats new - I eat feijoas, skin & all and they are a little tart !!!

# 935. Shona Is Sick !!!

Shona, 36 years old, who lives in Napier has been unwell for over two weeks, is lethargic and eating very little. Blood and other tests have failed to show up any abnormalities. She has lived well beyond her normal life expectancy of 20 years, so her chances of survival are 50/50 !!! It has come as a shock to everyone as she has previously remain remarkably free of health problems. The possibilty of Shona having to be put down has not been ruled out.
Shona's Home !!!

# 936. Living - Banana Bread

Sift together in a large bowl - 1 cup (c) plain white flour; 1/2c whole wheat flour; 1/2c white sugar; 2 teaspoons (tsp) baking powder; 1 tsp baking soda; 1/4 tsp salt; 1 tsp cinnamon; 1 tsp allspice & 1/2c wheat germ. Add 3 ripe, mashed bananas; 1/2c low fat buttermilk; 3 tablespoons vegetable oil & 4 egg whites. Stir until blended. Place in a loaf tin, lined with grease proof paper. Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour or until done.

Watch out for the big "monkeys", trying to eat it, while it is still hot !!!

# 937. The Chronicles of Narnia Day Tours !!!

The vast fields ringed by rocky mountains in the South Island high country are silent and empty now, save for a few sheep grazing. Yet, a year ago the place was teeming with amoured warriors, half-animal half human characters and a White witch in a huge battle scene which would become the climax of the blockbuster movie - The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe. The movie was filmed on the Flock Hill Station,about 80km inland from Christchurch in the South Island. Now, the fields are been brought back to life by a company offering "Day Tours" at a cost of course. But some people will pay anything, to re-live their dreams.
They also do "The Lord Of The Ring" Tours.

# 938. There Is Such A Thing As A "Free Lunch" !!!

First it was people in the USA and now people in Great Britain are following the trend for a "free lunch" !!! Free that is if you don't mind dining on food from dumpsters that once was the domain of "tramps" !!! Freeganism, a combination of the words "free" & "vegan"- is a movement whose devotees take responsibilty for the impact of their consumer choices and find alternative ways of meeting their everyday needs. This includes housing, clothing & food, no matter if it comes from dumpsters. Lunch anyone ???

# 939. A Blast From The Past.

"An Old Mistake" - In almost every case the mere getter becomes smaller by the process he adopts, until he dwindles to the merest apology for manhood. It is not altogether a figure of speech to say that his heart gets so hard, that you could break the paving stones of the street against it. The law of growth and greatness is "giving". The more a man can put of his best self into the lives of others, the more he adds to himself. "Getting" in its practical results is not addition, but subtraction, whislt "giving" is not division but multiplication.

It's Not The Memories I Have, But The Memories I Leave Behind

I'll be back..............

About Me

Check out all My Blogs ***** I am now living out in the country / rural area all the time, away from all the hustle & bustle of city life where I just kick back, relax and take life easy. Check HERE !!! for updates.