Kia Ora Everyone,
Have I created a "krazy monster blog", or what ??? Welcome to my krazy blog. If you are "visiting" for the first time, go to the bottom of the bog - sorry, bottom of the blog and work your way up. Also check the archives for more crazy ???.Those of you that have dared to pay a visit before - welcome back. You will know what number you left off at - hopefully theres something new for you to read. If not, you are more than welcome to send me an email, telling me to pull finger and get my A-into-G and add more to this krazy blog.
I am sorry I have had to switch "comments" off. It takes all kinds of people to make a world - if we were all the same, what a boring world it would be - it is because of some of these people, I had to pull the plug on comments. They had left links to porn sites on my blog. (No, I didn't ask them to send them !) I will pass their details on to the people behind Bloggers. (no, you aren't getting them B) Hopefully given time, I will switch comments back on. You can still send me emails at They are slowly, but surely filtering through the system. I will have not one but 2 mobile numbers (021 & 027) listed shortly, for those family & friends, living in NZ to send me text messages.(If you are lucky, I may text you back - the same goes for emails, so don't hold your breath) There will also be a PO Box number for anyone from not only around NZ but from around the world, to send me "photos", etc, plus donations from millionaire mates, so I can buy some computer equipment of my own, instead of using the internet cafes @ $2 per hour. As well as using (or trying to use) mates computers, but -"How long are you going to be"???
Yes, family would number in the "low 1000's" - Brothers & sisters; nephews & nieces, great/great nephews & nieces; aunties; uncles; plus cousins of at least 3 or 4 generations.
As for friends.......well !!! I touched on a lot of peoples lives over the years. I may of "forgotten" some, but they haven't forgotten me - hence the title
Kelvin A Memory Always I'll be back....................!!!
"Its not so much the memories I have, it's the memories I leave behind"